

This function allows you to define the types of service your company provides to its customers via FolloSOFT.

Via Management tab > Services

You'll then be able to see at a glance the list of services currently available. 

Note that the services shown here will form the basis of the service lists that will appear in various places in the application:

  • in the definition of services included in a contract in the Services tab

  • in reports

  • in the selection boxes for several tools.

To find a particular service, enter a word or part of a word in the Search field. Services whose title matches the search text will then be displayed.

For each service defined, you will find the following information: 

  • service name

  • the type of service involved 

  • a service status indicator

If the service status indicator is green, the service is active. A red indicator means that the service is inactive, and will therefore not appear in the FolloSOFT application or on FolloTrack. Please note that if you deactivate a service that has already been assigned to a contract, it will remain present in that contract.

  • The red garbage can icon allows you to delete the service in question. 

Create a service 

  1. Click on the +Service (top right of the screen).
  1. Select the type of service according to season (services are grouped by season, i.e. winter and summer)

  1. Name your new service
  2. Save it

The Taxable flag lets you specify whether or not the service will be taxed when calculating the contract price. Note that the application may override this flag if other tax flags at other levels of the application are the opposite of this one. For more details, please consult the article on taxes. Don't forget to save your additions.

To understand the different types of services, see the following article > coming soon

Now that you have added a service, it's possible to customize its price in the pricing chart. This tool allows the system to provide default costs for recurring services for all companies under an account. See the following article to learn more > Price chart 

Modify a service 

From the list, click on the name of the service you wish to modify. The window that appears contains the current information on the service. Make the desired changes, then click Save.

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