Price modification

Price modification

This tool adjusts prices of services tied to contracts, avoiding the need to modify each contract individually.
Note: First, migrate contracts from the previous year to the new season, and then apply a price modification. SEE the article -> Data Migration.
In the main menu, click on Tools, then Price Modifications.
The window displays all previously configured modifications. Each has a name, the number of contracts affected by the modification, and its status.
  1. "Applied" status: Indicates thas this modification has already been executed, and you can view the list of performed changes by pressing Download Modifications.
  2. "Pending" status: Indicates thas this modification has been configured but not executed. In this case,  simply press Apply to modify the targeted contracts according to the criteria you specified.

1: Create a Price Modification

  1. Click +Create located at the top right of the window.

  2. Provide a title for your price modification. 
  3. Specify selection criteria for contracts to apply the price modification.
  4. Click Next.
The Metric section on the right displays the number of contracts meeting the selection criteria and the number of services these contracts include.
Note: Not all services meeting criteria will have their prices modified. Once done, click Next.

2: Adjust Prices

This step allows you to specify the services whose prices will be adjusted, as well as the operations to be performed on these prices within the contracts identified in the previous step. This page displays all the services you have configured in FolloSOFT. For each service, you'll find boxes for each available parameter where you need to indicate the desired change. For instance, for a snow removal service of the Tractor type, you might choose to increase the price by an amount X for single entries, by Y for double entries, and so on. The box titled “Not specified” allows you to indicate the price modification to be made for contracts for which the Width is not indicated.
If no information is provided in a box, the price of the associated service will remain unchanged. 
To define the modification to be applied, input a number followed by a symbol indicating its meaning. Here are the various symbols available for the desired modification.

Symbol Keys:

  1. % symbol -> the service price will be increased by a percentage.
    Example: Entering "10%" in the corresponding box increases the service price by 10%.
  2. Amount without symbol -> the indicated monetary value will be added to the current service amount.
    Example: For a service currently at $300, entering "100" in the box makes the price $400.
  3. "=" symbol -> all corresponding services will adopt the indicated amount.
    Example: Entering "=100" sets all corresponding services to a fixed cost of $100, regardless of their current price.
  4. ">=" symbol -> the service price will adjust if higher than the indicated value.
    Example: With Service X at $120 and Service Y at $80, entering ">=100" makes X $100 while Y stays at $80.
  5. "<=" symbol -> the service price will change if lower than the indicated amount.
    Example: With Service X at $120 and Service Y at $80, entering "<=100" keeps X at $120, but Y becomes $100.
Once all price changes are defined, click Next.

3: Validate Prices

The next page shows a list of contracts for which services are affected by the price modification defined in the previous steps. View impact, if any, on prices and their final values after the modification. Navigate changes using navigation arrows under the Metric section. 

After validation, click Save.

You can make changes to your price modification's definition as long as it hasn't been executed. To do this, return to the Price Modifications submenu, select the appropriate title, and repeat Step 2. Once required modifications are made, click Save.

To finalize your price modification, press the Apply button associated with the desired modification. It will change from "Pending" to "Applied."

Note: Once applied, a Price Modification cannot be REVERSED. Double-check carefully.

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