This tool allows you to set default amounts for services offered by companies under the same account.
You can access this page by clicking on Management menu > Pricing Chart
1 : Select criteria
Choose the company for which you want to set default amounts and the period during which these amounts will apply using the dropdown lists located at the top right of the page.
2 : Define pricing
For each service defined in the Management / Services section, you will have the option to specify an amount based on applicable contract parameters.

If you leave a box empty, no default amount will be suggested for the corresponding service.
Once all desired amounts are saved, you can use this feature for future services you create, whether they're part of a new contract or an existing one.
The make sure these default costs are reflected on a contract, please make sure that each contract parameters has the required field filled out. Find out more here > Add a service to a contract3 : Define pricing
In a contract, for the default amount to appear when adding a new service, the required parameters must first be specified.
3.1 - Summary tab: Year and Company fields
3.2 - Location tab: Location Type and Width
4 : Save changes
Here's an exemple on how the Pricing Chart is reflected in the contract parameters.
The data provided in the Pricing Chart's fields : 1a, 1b, 2a, and 2b will be reflected in the Contract section if the following tabs are selected :
- Summary tab > Choose from dropdown menu :
- Company > Deneigement Klodus666 (1a)
- Year > 2022-2023 (1b)
- Location tab > Choose from dropdown menu :
- Location Type > Residential (2a)
- Width (driveway) > Single (2b)