To send alerts, the initial configuration must be completed. For more details, refer to the section highlighted in green below. These alerts improve operational efficiency, enhance customer satisfaction, and boost team productivity.
Phase 1 of the Snow Alert Cycle
Phase 2 - Managing & Sending Alerts (Operation)
Alerts can be sent via the portal or tablet during snow removal operations. Adhere to the following criteria for effective delivery:
- Daily Limit: Only one alert is sent per day to an occupant.
- Timing Restrictions: SMS or voice call alerts are sent only between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
Route Order: Operators must follow the route sequence displayed on the tablet. Deviating from this sequence may result in missed or mistimed alerts.
Managing Alerts
On the Web Portal
To manage alerts, go to Operations > Map. A list of routes for your account will appear on the right side of the interface.
Activate an Alert: Click the siren icon for the desired route.

Set a buffer value, which represents the distance between the current visit and the contract to be alerted.
The system immediately sends alerts for the number of contracts corresponding to the selected buffer. Then, as each contract is completed, an alert is sent for the next contract in the sequence, considering the buffer.
Understanding Route Direction and Buffer
Example with a buffer of 10: If "Normal Direction" is selected, the first 10 contracts will receive alerts. Scenario: If the operator starts with contract #1 and follows the route, alerts will be sent to contracts #1 to #10. Once contract #1 is completed, contract #11 will receive an alert.

- Respecting the route direction is crucial. If alerts are activated in "Normal Direction" but the operator follows the "Reverse" route, inconsistencies occur. Example: If the last contract (#100) is completed first, the system will attempt to send an alert to contract #110, which does not exist.
- Skipped Visits: If a visit is skipped, the corresponding alert is also skipped. The system strictly follows the configured sequence and buffer.
- The "All" option in the buffer means that upon activation, all registered occupants for the contracts on the route will be alerted simultaneously.
- Reverse Direction: Alerts are sent in reverse sequence.

Example with a buffer of 10: Alerts are sent to the last 10 contracts (e.g., #91 to #100). Once contract #100 is completed, contract #90 will receive an alert.

This function can speed up operations by assigning two operators to the same route (each logged in with their account). Operators can perform tasks in opposite directions. In this case:
- One operator selects the "Normal" direction.
- The other configures the same route in reverse direction. Alerts are sent based on the sequence in which each operator progresses.
3. Confirmation: Once activated, the beacon icon turns red, indicating that alerts are active.

On the Tablet
For Owners or Team Leaders Only:
- Click on the phone icon for the desired route.
- The icon will change from white to green, indicating that alerts have been activated.

Manage and Modify Alerts
Stopping Alerts
To stop sending alerts, simply tap the active beacon icon (red)
. This immediately deactivates all ongoing alerts for the selected route.
Modifying the Alert Buffer
If you need to adjust the alert buffer during operations, for instance, to address delays that are too short or too long between the alert and the operator's arrival:
- Stop the active alert by tapping the red beacon icon.
- Restart the alert with the new buffer setting.
Alert Buffer Warning: Increasing the buffer during operations can result in missed alerts for certain contracts.Example:
Initial Buffer: 10
- When the operator reaches contract #10, the alert is sent to contract #20.
Modified Buffer: 20
- If the buffer is increased before the operator reaches contract #11, the alert will now be sent to contract #31 instead of #21.
👉 Contracts #21 through #30 will not receive alerts.
Pro Tip: Keep this behavior in mind when adjusting buffers to ensure no contracts are missed.
To address client inquiries regarding missed alerts or to review the logs of sent alerts, refer to the section highlighted in green below.
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