Travel Report

Travel Report

The travel report allows you to review the progress of previous operations. You can find the position of an operator at a specific time or learn how contracts were carried out. This type of report can be used to confirm the operator's assertions as well as those of the client or even to optimize routes.

Access it via Report > Travel. Select the target operator from the "Vehicle" drop-down list, then enter the start and end dates for the analysis, select the desired format, either "Map" or "List", then press the Show button to display the result.


Travel report in list format

Shows when the operator visited contract sites during the analysis period, and for how long.


Travel report in map format

The map shows the tablet's movements during the reporting period. Red dots at regular intervals show where the operator was at a specific time. Hover the mouse pointer over the red dot to see the time at which the tablet was at that location. The grey squares indicate the geocoding of the contracts, and the green circle with a white tick indicates that the contract has been completed. Placing the cursor on the green circle icon gives access to additional information about the contract.

 Difference between List format and Card format

The travel report in a list format only displays information relating to visits and is similar to the Visits Report available via the report generator, but without having it flexibility. As for the travel report in map form, it allows you to tower over the operator's movements, even when the operator is not carrying out the tasks associated with a contract. Its positioning will be displayed even at the start of the day between your installations and the first contract, between the end of one route and the next one and on return at the end of the shift.

When interpreting the results provided by the two reports, you should keep in mind that they may at times provide data that appear to be contradictory, but upon careful examination, are perfectly compatible. For example, the report by list could indicate that the operator ended his day at 4:00 p.m. while the last position reading of the report on the map could be around 5:00 p.m.

The FolloSOFT application provides you with the information, but it is up to you to determine whether it indicates inappropriate behavior on the part of your workers.


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