Possible Error Codes on Your Tablets and Solutions
Possible Error Codes on Your Tablets and Solutions:
Error Code 0:
- Issue: Similar to code 404.
- Solution: Follow the steps listed for code 404.
Error Code 401:
- Issue: Authentication issue; the user does not have the necessary permissions.
- Solution: Check permissions: ensure that the user is correctly authenticated and has the required permissions to access resources.
Error Code 403:
- Issue: Authentication error related to the user or password.
- Solutions:
- Verify the user type: ensure that your user has the correct access.
- Use the PIN: ensure the client is entering the PIN and not the password.

Error Code 404
- Issue: The tablet is not activated in your portal or is not created in your portal.
- Solutions:
- Activate the correct mode on your portal: go to MANAGEMENT - DEVICE and ensure the seasonal mode is correctly set (e.g., "Landscaping" mode for summer with the green icon).
- Verify that the IMEI in your portal matches the one on the sticker on the back of your tablet: tap the Follosoft logo in the top left and ensure the two numbers match. If there’s an error, send your request to support@follosoft.com.
Error Code 418
- Issue: The tablet has not been migrated and is still on Scalefusion.
- Solution: Force the update by following this procedure: Scalefusion Migration.
Error Code 426
- Issue: The FolloTRAC app is outdated.
- Solution: Force the update: hold down the FolloTRAC icon in the top left, enter the code 9999, then accept the update and permissions for unknown sources.
Error Codes 500-502-503
- Issue: Server error.
- Solution: Wait a few minutes and try again. We receive these errors and will resolve them.
- Issue: Network issue, no internet (signal icon is red).
- Solutions:
- Check airplane mode and active data: ensure the tablet is not in airplane mode and that data is active.
- Check the SIM card: confirm that the tablet has an active SIM card (no "no SIM card" message visible).
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