

The Payments tab brings together information on the amount billed, amount paid and amount due for a specific contract.

To access it, open the desired contract and select the Payments tab. Each line of information in the table represents a transaction. It shows the transaction date, the payment method (type), a reference number, a space to add a note, the transaction amount and the date on which the information was entered in the application by the user. 

A summary of contract amounts is shown in the right-hand column, where you can read the amount invoiced (Total), the sum of payments (Paid) made and the balance.


As soon as a customer makes a payment by credit card via the platform integrated into FolloSOFT, a transaction automatically appears in the Payments tab of their contract. Likewise, pre-authorized payments will also appear there, whether the transaction is successful or refused, which will be highlighted by a red background.

Add a transaction

To manually add a new transaction, press the icon  at the right of the table. A new line will appear in the table for you to enter the required information. Save by clicking on the green disk .

Modify a transaction

Click on one of the fields of the transaction to be corrected and make the required modification. The value will be automatically saved when you leave the field.

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