

Purposes :
  1. Enter the contact details of the occupant responsible to be contacted during snow removal operations when this person is different from the one indicated in the "Summary" tab.
  2. Record the contact information of property residents, such as SMS, emails, or phone numbers, so that they can subscribe to automated alerts.
Via the client's contract, access the "Occupant" tab.

To register a resident for snow alerts, press the "+" associated with the column corresponding to the desired communication method.

Enter the phone number/SMS number/email as applicable and then press the floppy disk icon to save the information.

A message is sent to the occupant to confirm their subscription to the automated alert. A color code indicates the validation stage of the occupant's subscription request.
  1. Black - the validation request has been received.
  2. Yellow - the validation request has been sent, but the occupant has not yet responded.
  3. Red - the occupant has declined the snow alert service.
  4. Green - the occupant has accepted to receive snow alerts.
  5. Burgundy - the occupant has responded STOP, indicating they no longer wish to receive requests.
The occupant must follow the procedure indicated in the message to validate the inscription.

Activated Alerts 

When the "Activated Alerts" option is in green - all occupants whose contact method is in green will receive snow alerts. In red - alerts re deactivated only for the current contract.

The curled arrows icon  allows resending the confirmation request for snow alert subscription, while the red trash bin allows deleting the subscription to this service.

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