---- Upload PDF

---- Upload PDF

This tab allows you to upload a PDF file that will be appended to your contract. The PDF can contain a letter to your clients, advertisements for other services provided by your company, a new service offer, or the terms and conditions of your services. Note that you can add a different PDF file for each of your companies. To do this, navigate to Management/Company, click on the desired company, and then on the "Upload PDF" tab.

Start by selecting the file to upload by clicking on the Browse button to the right of the File field. Then, use the dropdown list for Location to specify the type(s) of locations where this file should appear. For example, if you select Residential, only residential-type contracts will have the file attached to their contract. If you leave the Location field blank, the PDF will be added to all types of contracts.
The Status field allows you to identify contracts to which the PDF file should be attached based on their status. Similarly, leaving the Status field blank will result in the addition of the PDF to all contracts, regardless of their status.

Complete the operation by clicking the Upload button.

Below the form is the list of files currently associated with the contracts of this company. You can modify their order of appearance in contracts by placing the cursor on one of them, clicking, and holding the left mouse button. You can then move the file in the desired order and release the mouse button.

To modify the settings that determine when the PDF will be displayed, place the cursor on the desired file and click on the pencil icon associated with it. Make the modifications in the appearing window and click Save to keep the changes. To completely remove the PDF from contracts, simply place the cursor on the file to delete and click on the icon representing a red trash can.
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