---- Online Payments

---- Online Payments

The tab is designed to manage the online payment options in FolloSOFT.
To configure the payment options for a specific company, select Management > Companies and click on the Online Payments tab for the desired company. 

Online payments done by clients: 

When this slider is in green, your clients will have access to your companies online payment platform to pay the amount of their contract in one or more payment, depending on the number of installment's allowed for the contract. If more then one payment is used, the client will need to come back each time to process the payment.

Recurring pre-authorized payments: 

When in green, this function allows your customers to pre-authorize regular credit card payments. Pre-authorized payment must be configured for each company on the account. This function is only available if the payment service provider is Naxella.

To create the option of a pre-authorized payments, simply select the following:

  1. The month the first payment should be made
  2. The day of the month
  3. The interval between payments
  4. The number of payments to be made


The application will to establish the amount of each payment by dividing the total amount for each contract by the number of payments chosen.

Example: If the options October, 15, every month and 3 payments are selected, a customer with a contract value of $300 will be charged as following:
  1. $100 on October 15th
  2. $100 on November 15th
  3. $100 on December 15th
For the same example, if a customer were to sign up for pre-authorized payments on November 20, his credit card would be charged $200 the next day, corresponding to the cumulative payments of October 15th and November 15th. The last payment would occur as planned on December 15th.

Inform your clients about pre-authorized payments
To notify your clients on their contract of pre-authorized payments, you'll need to add its description with the other payment options:
  1. Select In the Contract (Front) tab
  2. Add a payment term and make sure to include the variable {link-payment} in the descriptive text box so that the link for the online payment appears on the contract.

Payment platform - What Your Client See  

Adopting the pre-authorized payments is a 4 steps process. 
1) Verify contrat's data
2) Define snow-alerts for occupants
3) Agree to Terms 
4) Make payment


View Payments Made on Contracts  

Consult the Payments tab in the client's contract to view the payments already made, but not the upcoming ones. Also, if a pre-authorized payment is declined (e.g. credit limit exceeded), it will appear with a red background.


Create a Message for Declined Payments  

First, create a template for the message using the Management > Message Templates tool.
In Management > Companies, go to the Details tab, and select the desired message template in the Payment Declined dropdown list.

Review the List of Clients with Preauthorized Payments 

To view the list of customers who have signed up for pre-authorized payment in the Naxella interface, select Recurring, then List Subscriptions. Here you can also manage pre-authorized payments by either modifying the payment amount or deleting payments when the customer no longer wishes to pay this way.

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