---- Contract (Front)

---- Contract (Front)

The Contract (Front) tab is used to define information that will appear on the contract, such as payments, notes, and terms of the agreement.
To access this page, click on MANAGEMENT in the main menu and then on COMPANIES. Select the company for which you wish to define the payment terms and then go to the Contract tab (Front)

Payment Terms: 

First on the page, we find the Payment Terms section. If some terms are already available, simply make the required modifications to the current values.

To add a new  term to the existing ones, click on the + symbol next to Payment Terms:

Enter the required information in the appearing form :
  1. In the Installment box, select the number of installments you want to authorize for your clients. The "Contract Installments" option means that the installment calculation will be in accordance with the installment numbers entered in the Summary section of the contract.
  2. Next, choose the "Location Types" to which this term applies (residential, commercial, etc.).
  3. Finally, the Text section allows you to specify explanations that will appear with the payment term on the contract.
To finish, save this payment term using the green floppy disk icon on the far right.

Additional Notes : 

Enter explanations useful for understanding your contract or additional elements for your clients.

Terms (front) : 

Enter anything that is not in the Terms and Conditions section of your contract. You can also use this space to emphasize elements of your "Terms and Conditions" that are particularly important to your customers, such as the contract validity period and the maximum precipitation covered for the season.

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