

This logging tool keeps track of events, enabling subsequent verification of the evolution of contract information and workflow. This tab is useful for checking that the operator has carried out the required task for a particular customer, or that an alert has been sent, and when.


To consult this tab, access the contract you wish to examine and select the Logs tab.


The Visits section - top left under the horizontal menu - displays the list of visits made to the address indicated in the contract. What is shown :

·         Date of visit

·         Operator's name

·         Route taken

·         Duration, i.e. the period during which the tablet is in the geocoding zone

·         Type of service received

·         An icon:

          a green pentagon = the visit was automatically entered by the tablet 

          a finger = the visit was entered manually by the operator 

          a road with a green arrow = the operator was unable to complete the task 

          a computer screen = the visit was entered manually via the web application 

·          A note about the visit


To add a visit manually, simply select Add and enter the required information.


The Modifications section - top left under the horizontal menu - groups contract changes by theme. Each entry contains:


·         Date

·         Name of the user who made the change

·         Details of the changes made


Under Alerts (in the right-hand section), you'll find a list of all alerts sent to occupants as the operator approaches the service location.


Under Braodcasts, to the right of Alerts, you can see the list of messages sent to customers assigned to the contract via the broadcast tool.

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