The Clients section allows you to manage your company's past, current, and future clients.
When you arrive on the page, you'll find a list of all the clients registered in the FolloSOFT application. For each of them, you'll have access to their name, billing address, client number, and contact information.
You'll also find a list of past or current contracts and submissions associated with the client by clicking on the 'Contracts' icon. Just like in other parts of the application, the information on each of the listed contracts is the same as what you can find in the 'Contracts' section of the application.
To finish, the red trash can icon associated with a client allows you to delete that client. Note that contracts associated with the deleted client won't be removed during this operation.

Searching a new client:
On this page, you can easily find a specific client using a search bar and a filter. For instance, you can look up a client by their phone number or the address where they have a contract. You can also sort the list based on labels assigned to clients. To use this, simply pick one or more labels from the drop-down menu and click 'Filter.' You can use the search bar and label filter at the same time. If you want to clear your search and filters and see all clients again, use the 'Clear Filters' option.
In the upper right corner, there's a tool to navigate through the client list. It shows the number of clients that match your search criteria. If you haven't set any criteria, this number reflects all clients in your FolloSOFT account. On the far right, you can choose how many clients to display on one page – up to 100 clients, but be aware it might affect loading speed. Finally, there are arrows to move forward or backward in the client list.
Creating a new client:
In the window that appears, enter the required information. The information in this client record will be used in many places in the application, such as in the contract, on the account statement, or for communication with the client. The FolloSOFT application will assign a number to each registered client, but if your clients have a number in another software or in your company's operations, you can use the 'Internal No' field to link the used numbers.
Here's a brief explanation of the different fields :
- Contact field - allows you to indicate the responsible person when the client is a company or organization.
Email field - used as the address when sending a message via FolloSOFT.

Note that you can enter multiple email addresses, separating them with commas so that the message is sent to multiple recipients.
- Communication and Contract fields - specify the client's preference for communication with your company (mail or email) and the contract format (mail or email).
- Language field - acts as a reference when sending broadcasts. If you create broadcasts in both languages, the client will receive them in the language indicated here.
Editing a client:
When you want to adjust the information about an existing client, you first need to find them in the list of clients using the search engine, label filter, or a combination of both. Then, click on their name, make the required changes, and click the 'Save' button.
Creating a quotation for a client:
Click on the 'QUOTATION' button associated with the client to whom you want to submit a service offer. The window that opens will be partially filled with default values, but they can be modified as needed.
Here's a brief explanation of the different fields :
- Year field - indicates the period when the contract will apply.
- Company field specifies which of the companies defined in the FolloSOFT application will execute the contract.
By default, the billing address will be indicated as the service address. You can use this address or specify another one. If the address is not already in the system, you will need to click on the 'Create a New Location' button. If it already exists in FolloSOFT, simply click on the one that corresponds to the situation.

The 'Create' button will generate a contract based on the indicated values and then take you to the Summary tab, in the Contract Menu.