

This function allows you to send a communication in batches to your contacts by targeting them with specific criteria.
If no criteria are chosen, you will target all contracts.
Here are some examples of broadcasts:
  1. Deliver the proposal to potential clients for the upcoming season,
  1. Notify your clients that a surcharge for excess snow will soon be applicable,
  2. Conduct a survey.

1 : Navigate to Tools > Broadcasts

The broadcast page contains the following elements:
  1. The Broadcast button  to create a new broadcast.
  2. The Resend Broadcast button  to resend a broadcast.
  3. The display state selector (blue rectangle below). Choose the desired option from the dropdown list to view either broadcasts that have already been sent or those awaiting sending.
  4. Details of an existing broadcast (red rectangle below). You will find the name of the broadcast, its creation date, and possibly its sending date. You can modify the broadcast's details by clicking on its name to access the form. Statistics are also provided (see the olive rectangle below): the black number indicates the number of contracts targeted by the broadcast, the green number indicates the number of messages that have successfully reached their destination, while the red number indicates the number of messages that have not reached their recipient.
  5. The Start Broadcast button initiates the process of sending the broadcast messages. The button will later be replaced by the sending date.

2 : Target your contracts 

To determine who will receive this communication, follow these steps:
  1. Name your broadcast. Ex: Extra cm (green rectangle)
  2. Refine your search by selecting relevant criteria. In the example below, out of 4753 targeted contracts, only 280 will receive the broadcast.
For a better broadcast than 280/4753, it is important to collect ALL email addresses from your clients.

The FolloSOFT application offers a variety of selection criteria that allow you to identify the clients who will receive the message as part of a broadcast. For instance, if you don't select any criteria, all your clients will receive it. Another example: if you choose "Status" from the list and select only the "Active" option, only active contracts will be targeted. If you check both "Active" and "Up for Renewal," contracts with either the status "Active" OR "Up for Renewal" will be targeted for your message broadcast. Lastly, if you choose "Active" and "Up for Renewal" in the "Status" list, as well as "Residential" in the "Buildings" list, you will then target contracts that have characteristics of both "Residential" AND ("Active" OR "Up for Renewal"), meaning contracts that are both "Residential" AND either "Active" OR "Up for Renewal."
  1. Click on the button Next

If the number of broadcasts is greater than the number of contracts, it means there are multiple emails associated with a contract. In this case, it is not inferior.

3: Define Your Message Content

3.1. Message Content:

You can determine the content of the message to be sent either by using a template or by composing the text that will be used exclusively for this broadcast.

Option 1: Use a Message Template

To use a message template: Click on the "Use a Message Template?" link. You will then be able to select the text to use from the appearing list and proceed to the next step. Refer to the article > Create a Message Template to learn more about creating message templates.

Option 2: Compose a Message

Craft your message for the current broadcast. First, determine the language in which the text will be sent. If only one of the language indicators is green, all recipients will receive the message in the selected language (French or English). If both language indicators are green, the message will be sent in the language indicated in the contract.

Based on your needs, enter the message text in the required language(s). You can format the text using the available tools. 
  1. This icon   allows you to insert a link to a web page in your message. Simply complete the information requested in the appearing window.
  2. The curly braces icon    allows you to insert information from the client's contract into the message. Refer to the list of available variables below. 
If you're defining a message to be sent via email, you will also need to provide a subject in the appropriate field.

3.2. Choose your variables:

Select the variables you would like to add to the message. These variables allow you to personalize the message content according to the specifics of the contract.
  1. Service Address: the address where the work is being carried out
  2. Contract (Number): the contract number
  3. Client (Name): the billing client's name
  4. Contract (Balance): the contract balance at the time the message is sent
  5. Contract (Paid): the amount paid at the time the message is sent
  6. Transaction ID
  7. Auth Code
  8. Account Statement: the link that allows viewing the account statement
  9. Date/Time of Visit
  10. Driver's Name (Visit)
  11. Spreading Transport (10-Wheel)
  12. Transport (12-Wheel)
  13. Transport (Semi-Truck 2)
  14. Transport (Semi-Truck 3)
  15. Spring Cleaning
  16. URL: Online Payment: link to the page for making online payments
  17. URL: Visit Log: link to a page for viewing visits made by your employees
  18. PDF: Contract: link to view the PDF version of the contract
  19. PDF: Account Statement: link to view the PDF version of the account statement
  20. URL: Survey
  21. URL: Email Confirmation
  22. URL: Unsubscribe Request; allows your client to indicate a desire to discontinue snow removal service after reaching the contractual precipitation limit
  23. URL: Subscription Request: allows your client to indicate a desire to continue receiving snow removal service after reaching the contractual precipitation limit

3.3. Confirm your message by clicking on the Next button

4: Preview Your Message Content

The next window presents you with a preview of your Broadcast.

Before sending your broadcast, you can send yourself a preview of the message that your clients will receive. Enter the email address or messaging number in the Send a Preview field and click the arrow button. Only this recipient will receive the message at this stage.

4.1 - Validate the content

4.2 - Press the Save button

5: Send Your Broadcast

When you are ready, press the Start Broadcast button associated with the desired broadcast to send it. A status will allow you to track the progress of the broadcast. It will change from "in progress" to "completed" to indicate the end of the process.

To view your past broadcasts, simply go to the top of the page and click on the dropdown menu and choose Sent.

👏 There you have it, you have just broadcasted a communication to your clients.

For broadcasts that have already been sent, there won't be a "Start Broadcast" button anymore to prevent multiple sends that could inconvenience your clients. If you still wish to resend a previously dispatched broadcast, click on the "Broadcast" button (triangle icon). You only need to select the desired broadcast from the dropdown list. The "Start Broadcast" button for this broadcast will then become available again to initiate the send.

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