Best practices for optimized operations!
Charge your tablets to 100% before you start you operation and keep them plugged in AT ALL TIMES when you are operating in the tractor.
If the battery icone is red, it's because the tablet isn't charging (connectivity issue?)
If the battery icone is blue, it's because the tablet is well connected, but in a power source less than 3.1 Amp. (it slowly loosing it's charge) ![](
If the battery icone is green, it indicates that it's properly connected!
You can print your different route sequence by going to REPORT / ROUTE in order to have a plan B in case of forgetting / loss / tablets damage or if you experience difficulties with them.
A good practice to ensure your tablets are at the latest version is to open them about 15 minutes before going in Operation mode. This way they will automatically update themselves.
4) If you're using the notifications system, please ensure;
- The phone number appear in green in the Occupant section
- The notifications are activated
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