Alert management

Alert management

FolloSOFT's alert system optimizes operations by notifying the occupants of a contracted area of the imminent arrival of operators, so that nothing stands in the way of the work being carried out (like a park#ed car or recycling bins blocking an entrance, etc.).


When using the alert system, always bear in mind the following points:


1. The contract must be active with at least one service, assigned to a route and included in the route layout.

2. Alerts notify the numbers listed in the "Occupants" tab of a contract.

3. Only one alert is sent per day to an occupant.

4. SMS alerts or voice calls are only sent between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m.

5. It is essential that the operator follows the sequence of the route, i.e. the order in which the contracts appear on the tablet. Otherwise, contracts may not be alerted in a timely manner.


To manage alerts, select Operations from the left-hand menu, then Map. On the right-hand side of the interface, a list of routes for the account appears. To trigger an alert, press the beacon icon  associated with the desired route. In the window that opens, select the desired buffer value, i.e. the distance between the visit in progress and the contract to be alerted. Check "Reverse route" to indicate that alerts are to be sent in the reverse order to that in which the route has been configured. Otherwise, the normal direction will prevail. Once activated, the beacon icon will turn red to indicate that alerts are active.


Note that when alerts are triggered with a buffer of 10, the first 10 contracts will receive an alert as soon as it is triggered. Then, when the 1st contract is completed, the 11th one will receive an alert, and so on. If the route is reversed, the last 10 contracts will receive an alert, and when the operator arrives at the contract with sequence number 55, contract 45 will receive the alert. For its part, the "All" option in the buffer drop-down list means that as soon as an alert is triggered, all occupants registered for alerts on contracts for the route will receive a message at the same time.


To speed up operations, it is possible to assign two operators to the same route, who will be able to perform operations in opposite directions to each other. In this case, alerts will be triggered for both drivers, but will be sent in the order in which the operator moves. The first operator will choose the "normal" direction, while the second operator will configure the same route to be in reverse.


Stop sending alerts

To stop sending alerts, simply press the active beacon (red). 


Modify the buffer

To modify a buffer during operations, e.g. in the event of a too long or too short delay between the alert being sent and the operator passing by, simply stop the alert and re-trigger it with the new buffer. If you increase a buffer, bear in mind that some contracts may not receive an alert. For example, with a start buffer of 10, when the operator enters the geocoding zone of the contract with sequence number #10, the alert is sent to contract #20. If, before he reaches contract #11, the alert buffer is increased to 20, when he arrives in contract #11, contract #31 will receive the alert, not number #21. Contracts #21 to #30 will never receive their alert.

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